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Schedule : 12/6(土) smooth ~Winter Night Cruise にてDJ決定
投稿者: soulsource 投稿日時: 2014-12-3 13:46:10 (961 ヒット)

■ Date
2014年12月6日(土) 18:30-23:00

■ Charge
3600yen / w1D

■ Artist

- 松浦俊夫

- 箭内健一 (Soul Source / Slow Motion Replay)

- Junichi Harada

- Toshihiro Ono (Nouvelle Guinguette)

- ASHRA (IRMA records / SUB TRAX)

■ Boarding time
日の出桟橋発着所  19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00
お台場海浜公園発着所  20:30 21:30 22:30
※乗船定員がございます。当日の混雑状況はお電話にてご確認いただけます。 Tel 0120-049-490

Hinode Pier 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 
Odaiba Seaside Pier 20:30 21:30 22:30 
※At Odaiba Seaside Pier first bording time is 20:30 (not 19:30)
※23:00 is when the last cruise will arrive back to hinode pier.
※We have currently have boarding Capacity on the boat. We do recommend that you call and check our availability before boarding.   Tel 0120-049-490

■ Attention

・Please come to the pier 20 minutes before your desired departure time.
・There are no reserved seats.
・Because we sell alcohol we do not allow people under the age of 20 to board and we do not allow drivers to drink.
・There is a dress code on the ship, we will not allow men in sandals or shorts to board.

■ More infomation

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